If we are not under any kind of law, how are we supposed to function as believers on a day-to-day basis? If we are under grace, does that mean we can do anything we want and still be in the right relationship with God? In Session #7, we are going to take a good look at the… Continue reading Life in the Spirit
The Holy Spirit
I made a mistake. I told you in Session #1 of our study in the book of Galatians that there were two main themes. That is true in the first four chapters. But beginning in Chapter 5 Paul introduces a critically important topic. If we are not under Law, how do we act under Grace? The answer is found in… Continue reading The Holy Spirit
Back to School
OK. Vacation is over. Time to get back to school! In Session #5 of our study, Paul advises the Galatians to “Consider Abraham.” Of course, Abraham is the father of the Jewish nation. In Abraham’s first encounter with God, he is told to leave his father and home and head to the place God will show him. He is also promised… Continue reading Back to School
Dead or Alive?
Over the last few sessions of our study in the book of Galatians, I have made reference to humanity’s three great problems. I’ve used the words “Dead”, “Defective”, and “Doomed”. In Session #4 our focus will be on the solution to the problem of spiritual death. In Chapter Three of Galatians, Paul introduces the Spirit for the first… Continue reading Dead or Alive?
Paul vs. Peter
The section of text we will be working through in Session #3 of our study In Galatians involves a confrontation Paul has with Peter when Peter comes to Antioch in Syria. Antioch becomes the epicenter of the mission to take the good news of Jesus to the Gentile world in the same way that Jerusalem plays… Continue reading Paul vs. Peter
Bacon Anyone?
As we continue our “Summer School” study of the book of Galatians, I’m glad to see how many of you are joining us. I never know how many people are tuning in, but I can see how many computers are opening the video and we have a great group in our “class” for a summer series. Session… Continue reading Bacon Anyone?
Summer School?
Did you ever have to go to summer school? After transferring from four different colleges, I needed to go to summer school two years to catch up and graduate with my class. Generally speaking, it was no fun. But in our summer school, we are going to have fun and learn life-changing truths! Our teacher is the Apostle Paul,… Continue reading Summer School?
Lenten Reflections, pt. 4
Welcome to Holy Week, or Passion Week. Many of you probably attended Palm Sunday services yesterday and began the spiritual journey of the week of Jesus’ crucifixion and his resurrection. For the final Lenten reflection I want to take you through all the events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus, beginning with his burial on Good Friday. This coming… Continue reading Lenten Reflections, pt. 4
Today we come to the end of our series The Story of Jesus. Session #28 explores the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s Easter at Christmas! Everything Jesus taught and claimed about himself hinged on this single event. As Paul said, “If Christ is not risen, our preaching is useless and so is your faith!” It all depended on what happened Sunday… Continue reading Resurrection
The Cross of Christ
It might seem like we are doing Lent during Advent In Session #27 and Session #28. We are hitting the climax of our study of The Story of Jesus. In today’s study we look at one of the two most important events in human history. Next week we will study a second of the most important events in human… Continue reading The Cross of Christ