Sex or Allegory?

“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth.”   Does it sound like a verse from the Bible?  Is it a literal kiss or is the kiss part of an allegory?  These are the questions asked about the Old Testament book “Song of Songs.”  This is the final book of the poetic books of the Old Testament and… Continue reading Sex or Allegory?

A Meaningful Life

“Vanity, vanity, all is vanity!”  You might  be familiar with the phrase. It is one that is well known, especially if you have ever read the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes.  Today’s episode of The Road to Somewhere, takes us to the town of Baxter Springs in Kansas and is paired with the book of Ecclesiastes.  Baxter Springs was known as… Continue reading A Meaningful Life

Wisdom and Foolishness

Happy Labor Day to all of you who are reading this today.  Let me ask you a question?  Are you wise…or are you foolish.  Most of us are probably some mix of both, even if we don’t want to admit it.  We live in a time when many foolish men and women are in positions of great… Continue reading Wisdom and Foolishness