This week’s episode of The Road to Somewhere takes us to Hydro, Oklahoma. On the way we drive through El Reno, Oklahoma, the home of the onion burger. Created during the Great Depression to make the burger meat go further, each burger is mashed together with a half an onion. On “Fried Onion Burger Day”, the entire town comes out to watch the creation of a 750 lb. onion burger. I’m not kidding. Look it up. Upon finally arriving at Hydro, John and Joy shoot their video in front of the original Lucille’s Gas and Store. Lucille was so kind and helpful to Route 66 travelers that she became known as “The Mother of the Mother Road.” Paired up with Hydro is the minor prophet Nahum. Did you know there was a book in the Bible named Nahum? You probably did, but my guess is that the average man or woman on the street has never heard of it. Nahum was a prophet to Nineveh, like Jonah. Unlike Jonah, Nahum had a message for the capital of the Assyrian Empire after they had savagely wiped out the Northern Kingdom of Israel. It is a message of the coming destruction of Nineveh and the fall of the Assyrian Empire. He doesn’t pull any punches. The teaching video goes into significant detail about the message of this short book. Here are the links to both the episode and the teaching video
Today’s Video:
Teaching Video on Nahum: