I intended to send out a reminder that our new series on The Road to Somewhere begins next Monday (the Lord willing). But events of the weekend have prompted me to say a few things about what is happening in the world. As of today, all we know is that Israel has been savagely attacked by Iranian backed Palestinian terrorists. How severe the response by Israel will be is yet to be seen, and what other nations, other than Iran, will do is still unknown. I have never, in my short lifetime, seen the world more on the brink of WWIII than it is today. Iran is about to go nuclear. They have vowed to destroy Israel. Russia is moving nuclear missiles into launch positions. North Korea is testing their nuclear arsenal. China is moving war ships into position to take on Taiwan. An attack on Israel by Iran or on Taiwan by China will force the US to go to war with either or both. It is not the exact scenario the Bible paints of events leading up to the battle of Armageddon, but the pieces are all there and things change fast these days! So keep your eyes on Israel. And as Jesus taught in Matthew, keep watch, be prepared, and stay faithful. And in the meantime, we will start our series on The Road to Somewhere next Monday. Here is a link to a lecture I gave on the current world situation (a couple of years ago) and the prophetic picture of the end times: