Half-way Home

We are back on the road again!  This week’s episode of The Road to Somewhere takes us to Bethany, Oklahoma, and through the Minor Prophet Micah.  Bethany is the home of Southern Nazarene University.  The town was built by the Nazarene Church in 1909.  There was no drinking, smoking, gambling, or other worldly habits in Bethany. It was an attempt to build a spiritual utopia.  Our corresponding book of the Bible is the prophet Micah.  It is the 33rd book of the Old Testament, which means we are now half-way through the entire Bible!  Micah was a prophet to both the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah.  His message was one of both doom and hope.  The book might best be known for the revelation, 600 years before Jesus, that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.  I hope you will not only watch the episode video, but take time to watch the teaching video.  The episode video will explain why.

Here’s the link for today:

Here’s the link for Micah.

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