Russia, Ukraine, and Armageddon

Just a reminder, we are on break this week from our study of The Story of Jesus.  In the event you go into bible withdrawal, I wanted to alert you to two opportunities to stay plugged in: 1.  I am going to be teaching at both services this Sunday (9am and 11am) at Cherry Hills Community Church. (  I’d… Continue reading Russia, Ukraine, and Armageddon

Video Reminder

Video Reminder Just a reminder that the video of last night’s session of “The Story of Jesus” is up:  Link:

The Woman at the Well

Tomorrow night, in our ninth session of The Story of Jesus, we will explore an encounter Jesus had with a woman of questionable reputation at a well outside the Samaritan village of Sychar. If you were a good Jew, in Jesus’ day, you wouldn’t be in Samaria.  You wouldn’t stop at a Samaritan village.  And, it would be especially… Continue reading The Woman at the Well

Video Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the video from last night’s session of The Story of Jesus is now available. Link:

Jesus Meets Nicodemus

Tomorrow night, in our eighth session of “The Story of Jesus”, we will explore an encounter Jesus has with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. It is one of the most important encounters recorded in the Gospel of John. It is in this passage that Jesus tells Nicodemus that he cannot enter God’s Kingdom unless he is… Continue reading Jesus Meets Nicodemus