The Crapduster

What do you get when you add wings, an engine, and a propeller to a manure wagon?  Obviously…the Crapduster.  If you want to see one, you have to travel to Carthage, Missouri, on Alternate Route 66.  While you are there you might want to take in a movie at one of the oldest functioning drive-ins in America.  Episode 9,… Continue reading The Crapduster

The Chronicles of Israel

Many of you are familiar with the great C.S. Lewis classic series The Chronicles of Narnia.  But did you know that Israel had its own set of Chronicles?  In this week’s session of The Road to Somewhere, we will head to Springfield, Missouri, one of two cities claiming to be the birthplace of Route 66, and take a look at… Continue reading The Chronicles of Israel

Heading Toward Catastrophe!

Perhaps no other nation has a history as strange as that of the nation of Israel.  Turn on the news tonight and there will be at least one segment giving an update of all that is currently happening in Israel.  Open your Bible to the Old Testament and you will read the history of ancient Israel, from… Continue reading Heading Toward Catastrophe!