The night before Jesus was crucified, he met in an upper room with his disciples to share the traditional Passover meal together. In Session #26 of The Story of Jesus we will take a good look at several of the events that took place in the Upper Room. It was here that Jesus washed the disciple’s feet, predicted Judas’s… Continue reading The Upper Room
Into Jerusalem
We have come to the place in The Story of Jesus where Jesus enters Jerusalem and Passion Week begins. In Session #25, we will look at the two events that happen on what we call Palm Sunday. The first is often called the Triumphal or Triumphant Entry. On the final stretch into Jerusalem, Jesus borrows a donkey and fulfills the prophecy… Continue reading Into Jerusalem
Blind Bart and Short Zach
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! We have come to the place in The Story of Jesus where Jesus begins his final trip to Jerusalem. Jesus and his followers are coming to Jericho, the oldest city in the world. In Session #24, Jesus has two encounters that we will look at in this study. As he approaches Jericho, he… Continue reading Blind Bart and Short Zach
The Loving Father
Greetings to all you prodigals out there. You know who you are. In Jesus’ day, the religious leaders criticized Jesus for being a friend to the renegades, sinners, and prodigals. Of course, the truth is, we are all prodigals. The Pharisees, Scribes, and Priests did get it. They also didn’t get that God loves prodigals. Their image of who God is… Continue reading The Loving Father
Life After Death
Some of you probably remember the line from a Paul Simon song, “Yesterday it was my birthday. I hung one more year on the line.” Well…yesterday it was my birthday. I hung one more year on the line. I’m getting really old! I also spent the morning filming Session #22 of The Story of Jesus . In this session we follow… Continue reading Life After Death
Caught in the Act
In Session #21 of The Story of Jesus we will look at one of my favorite encounters in the life of Jesus. He has traveled to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. While there he is teaching in the Temple courts very early one morning. While teaching, a group of Scribes and Pharisees drag a woman before him who has… Continue reading Caught in the Act
Jesus the Healer
Welcome back to The Story of Jesus. We are at the point in Jesus’s ministry where he heads back to Capernaum after teaching The Sermon on the Mount. Upon approaching the outskirts of the town he is approached by a group of elders from Capernaum who ask Jesus to heal the servant of a Roman Centurion. I will use… Continue reading Jesus the Healer
The Real Jesus
When you imagine Jesus, what does he look like to you? Do you see him as a first century Jewish man of modest means dressed in first century workman’s clothing? This is how Jesus appeared during the time of his incarnation. But that is not what Jesus is like now. Other than John’s vision in Revelation, (which… Continue reading The Real Jesus
Jesus Blasts the Pharisees
Guess who’s coming to dinner? In Session 19 of The Story of Jesus, Jesus is invited to dinner by a Pharisee. When the meal is over the Pharisee probably wonders what just happened. After being scrutinized for not ceremonially washing his hands, Jesus unloads on both the Pharisees and Scribes. Using the prophetic “Woe!” formula he confronts six issues where… Continue reading Jesus Blasts the Pharisees
Jesus performed miracles. In Session 18, I am going to take a classic miracle and help you understand a bit about miracles and what purpose Jesus had in mind when he performed one. In the flow of the narrative, John the Baptist gets beheaded by Herod Antipas. Jesus responds by taking his twelve disciples for a time of… Continue reading Miracles