Second Season Begins

As promised, we are starting Season Two of The Road to Somewhere.  At the end of Season One, John and Joy were parked on the east bank of the Mississippi River ready to cross the river into Missouri.  Season Two will all take place in Missouri where we will make twelve Rt. 66 stops and go through the twelve books often referred to as “Old Testament History.”  Our first stop is a personal one for me.  Rt. 66 runs through St. Louis on the west bank of the Mississippi.  I was born in St. Louis and was part of the fifth generation of my family who lived there.  I have taken much of my family history and made it John’s history.  On a more extended stop than most, John will take Joy to the place where “his” family lived and worked.  He will also take her to the nearby spot where Chevrolet built Corvettes for many years before moving production to Bowling Green, Kentucky.  The car they are driving on this adventure was built there. They will shoot the video for this episode at the site of the old factory and John will give a quick teaser about the first book of this part of Israel’s history.  It is found in the book of Joshua and the link to my intro and the link to the extended lecture on Joshua are found below.

Here’s the link to today’s episode:

Here’s the link to the Joshua video:

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