As we continue our “Summer School” study of the book of Galatians, I’m glad to see how many of you are joining us. I never know how many people are tuning in, but I can see how many computers are opening the video and we have a great group in our “class” for a summer series. Session #2 will walk you through seven stages Paul describes to defend his authority as a messenger of the good news. Beginning with his life as a Jewish Pharisee named Saul, who sets out to destroy the early church, through his conversion and encounters with the leaders of the church in Jerusalem, Paul builds a case for how the message he proclaims was not only given to him by revelation from Jesus, but was also affirmed by the apostolic leadership in Jerusalem without adding anything to his message. If you like bacon with your eggs, you will especially be happy about the conclusions that are reached in these seven stages of Paul’s defense of his apostleship. Here is the link to the video: