Revelation #3: Revelation, Corona Virus, and the End of the World

How’s that for a catch line? How should we all look at the Corona Virus? I’m grateful for the thousands of pastors who are approaching it from the angle of giving people encouragement and hope. But we are studying Revelation, and plagues play a part in the end-times scenario. We will get to passages in… Continue reading Revelation #3: Revelation, Corona Virus, and the End of the World

Revelation Session #2

Revelation Session #2 Last Wednesday night we launched our study in the book of Revelation. Using the first three verses I taught an introduction to the book. If you missed, you might not know “revelation” is the English word that was chosen to translate the Greek word “apocalupsis” and from which we identify the type… Continue reading Revelation Session #2

Revelation Explained

To my Denver friends: Beginning March 4 I am going to be teaching a Wednesday Night Bible study on the Book of Revelation. The study will include a little worship led by Biff Gore and some small group interaction after the teaching time. Many of you were part of the Wednesday Night study I taught… Continue reading Revelation Explained

The Year of the Bible

Hi All, At the risk of being too self-promoting, I wanted you to know about a resource I developed.  2020 has been named the year of the Bible.  The last two years of my tenure at my church I took everyone through every book of the Bible, one book a week.  To make it a… Continue reading The Year of the Bible

The Prodigal Son

A wealthy father has two sons.  One is an ideal young man.  The other is a handful.  Neither know their father very well.  The brothers don’t particularly like each other.  The older brother thinks the younger is a worthless bum.  The younger thinks the older is an anal retentive jerk.  The father loves both.  This… Continue reading The Prodigal Son

End of the Road

Finale. After two and a half years, we come to the end of our journey down historic Route 66 and through all 66 books of the Bible. Appropriately, we end our journey with a look at the final message of the Bible found in the Book of Revelation. Here is a special short video that… Continue reading End of the Road

The End is Near!

  “The End is Near!”  But which end?  The end of Route 66?  The end of the Bible? The end of the world?  How about all of the above?  You can see the ocean from where we will stop on Sunday.  It is the 1940’s official end of Route 66, but not the post 1952… Continue reading The End is Near!