Wisdom and Foolishness

Happy Labor Day to all of you who are reading this today.  Let me ask you a question?  Are you wise…or are you foolish.  Most of us are probably some mix of both, even if we don’t want to admit it.  We live in a time when many foolish men and women are in positions of great power and influence.  Never in our history have we needed an infusion of wisdom into our culture like we need it today.  In this week’s episode of The Road to Somewhere we stop at Rainbow Arch Bridge outside Riverton, Kansas and look at a book that defines the characteristics of wise people and fools.  The book is called Proverbs, and most of it was written by the wisest man in world of his day: Solomon.  Without wisdom, that which is foolish is celebrated as virtuous, and that which is wise is often characterized in the mainstream media as “weird.” This is the third of five stops we will make in Kansas and it is obviously a critically important book to know.  The links to both our short introduction to Proverbs and to the longer teaching on the book are below.  Be wise and watch both.
Here’s the link to today’s episode:
Here’s the link to  the teaching on Proverbs:

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