A Meaningful Life

“Vanity, vanity, all is vanity!”  You might  be familiar with the phrase. It is one that is well known, especially if you have ever read the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes.  Today’s episode of The Road to Somewhere, takes us to the town of Baxter Springs in Kansas and is paired with the book of Ecclesiastes.  Baxter Springs was known as one of the “most robbed towns” in America in the 20’s and 30’s.  The main bank, which is now a café, was robbed by both Jesse James in his day, and Bonnie and Clyde in theirs.  Authorship of the book of Ecclesiastes has traditionally be attributed to King Solomon.  At first glance (or reading) you might wonder how the book made the cut as one of the books of the Jewish Tanakh (our Old Testament).  But a careful study will reveal that it gives a perspective on life that is critical to understand in order to avoid coming to the end of your life and finding that all you have pursued was meaningless.  It is a great book and the longer video is excellent,( if I do say so myself.)  The links to both today’s episode and the longer teaching on Ecclesiastes are below.

Here’s the link to today’s episode:

Here’s the link to the longer teaching on Ecclesiastes:

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