What is a Telos?
In the Spring of 1999 I decided to try to teach and write independently. To accomplish this objective I created a non-profit that people could support and get a tax deduction. I had a number of ideas for names for the organization. I decided on The Telos Project based on the meaning of the Greek word “telos”. It is used in three ways in the New Testament.
1. It means the goal or objective you are striving for.
2. It is the root of the main word for spiritual maturity with the idea that this is the goal of the Christian life.
3. It is one of the names of Jesus in the Book of Revelation. He says he is “the beginning and the end”. “End” is the word Telos. Ultimately, he is the goal.
I teach the Bible. It is what I do. I do it publicly with groups at times. I do it by writing books. I do it by providing live stream and videos online. I’ve done it by helping with TV (The Bible Series; AD) and film projects (Son of God, Amazing Grace, The Chronicles of Narnia). I believe that knowing and understanding the Bible is a critical part of reaching the “goal”; the Telos.Having left my position at Highline Community Church, all my work will now be done under this umbrella.