“We have peace with God…” (Romans 5:1). Somewhere along the line I managed to lose my post regarding the first of the benefits of coming into a relationship with Jesus that Paul teaches in Romans, chapter five. So let me go back for a minute and comment on this great result of being “justified by… Continue reading The war with God is over
Author: Bob Beltz
God quits keeping score
Through whom (Jesus) we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.… (Romans 5:2). Along with Paul’s teaching that justification by faith leads to peace with God, he continues the exposition of the benefits of receiving Christ with the statement that we now “stand in grace”. I’m personally convinced that… Continue reading God quits keeping score
When the new is actually the old
Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness… (Romans 4:3). The Apostle Paul was a genius. The more I study his writings, the more I am convinced that God had designed, created, and shaped Paul to be the vehicle through whom he would communicate his Truth. You will often hear critics say… Continue reading When the new is actually the old
How Jesus became a Mercy Seat
God presented him as a propitiation in his blood…(Romans 3:25). Propitiation is one of those big old religious sounding words that make most people scratch their heads and wonder what in the heck the Bible is talking about. In the book of Romans, the word that appears in the Greek text is “hilasterion”. It is… Continue reading How Jesus became a Mercy Seat
We all need a little justification
But now, apart from law, the righteousness of God has been made known…(Romans 3:21). These words, from the pen of the Apostle Paul, begin a short statement that could be the most important passage in the book of Romans. If Romans is the most important epistle in the New Testament, then these few verses are… Continue reading We all need a little justification
We’re all bozos on this bus
For all have sinned…(Romans 3:23). I remember many years ago, as a very new Christian, reading Romans 3:23. The text says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” In the twisted way my mind worked back then (not that it is any better these days) I was immediately reminded of… Continue reading We’re all bozos on this bus
How about some good news?
I’m not ashamed of the gospel…(Romans 1:16). Around 56 to Roman 57 AD the Apostle Paul was in Corinth, a wild city in the ancient province of Achaia, which is part of modern-day Greece. Paul had come to Corinth earlier to tell people about some good news. Today’s text uses the word “gospel”, which means… Continue reading How about some good news?
What child is this?
For unto us a child is born…(Isaiah 9:6). One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is the chance we get to sing all those great classic Christmas hymns at church. One of my favorite songs of the season is the great hymn “What Child is This?” How we answer that question will determine… Continue reading What child is this?
Paul assesses his former success
I consider them rubbish, that I might gain Christ…(Philippians 3:8). Have you ever wondered if Jesus ever used four letter words (other than “love”)? How about Paul? The question is open to debate depending on how you translate a couple of words that show up in the New Testament. Jesus warned against using the word… Continue reading Paul assesses his former success
Humility and Joy
Have the mind of Christ in you…(Phil. 2:5). Have you ever noticed how much of the way God has made the world work seems counter-intuitive to all we have been taught? Do you want financial security? The world says hoard. God says give. Do you want to be great? The world says claw your way… Continue reading Humility and Joy