The Problem of Pain

Welcome back to our journey down The Road to Somewhere.  Today we start Season Three, which will take us through the 13.2 miles of Route 66 that cuts the corner of Kansas and through the five books of Old Testament poetry (or wisdom literature).  Our first stop in Kansas is Galena, home of the original tow truck that the character Tow Mater in the movie Cars is located.  Our first corresponding book of poetry is the majestic book of Job.  The book deals with the question of why God allows pain and suffering.  Without knowing about an encounter between God and Satan in the heavenly realm, Job loses all his wealth, all his children, and is afflicted with boils from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet.  He sits in a garbage dump and wonders, “Why me?”  CS Lewis called it “the problem of pain.” It is a question that almost all of us ask at some time in our life.  Does the book of Job answer the question?  Here is a spoiler: kind of.  The links to Episode One, and to the longer teaching on the book of Job are below.  Come join us as we explore some of the most interesting and important books of the Bible while we also travel through Kansas on Route 66.

Here’s the link to today’s episode:

Here’s the link to the teaching on Job:

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