This Wednesday night’s study will continue to take a look at what life in the New Heavens and New Earth will be like. We have seen that you will have a new body, a new mind, and a new spirit; all on a new earth. Tomorrow night we will look at your new home. Revelation identifies it as… Continue reading Your New Home
Category: Uncategorized
Revelation Video Now Available
This Wednesday night’s video is now available. The direct link to You Tube is This session explored what happens after the Second Coming, when God makes “all things new.” You can also access the video at under “Media” or at I teach about the New Heavens, the New Earth, and the New You!
All Things New
This Wednesday night we begin looking at what Revelation tells us about the New Heavens and the New Earth. Without an understanding of the final two chapters of Revelation, you don’t know what God has been up to since the creation of the universe. This is God’s “end game” and it is all about “new” things. Tomorrow night… Continue reading All Things New
Revelation Video Up
The video for the Wednesday night study is up. Here is a direct link. This session covers the part of Revelation that deals with the final judgment of humanity. It involves a Great White Throne, a series of books, and a Lake of Fire. Let me warn you, it is not politically correct. It was a tough session to… Continue reading Revelation Video Up
The Book of Life
The Book of Life This Wednesday night we are back to our study in the book of Revelation. We are heading toward the finish line with only a few weeks left. This Wednesday is session 26, and it is a big one! We have come to the point in the book where John sees a vision of the… Continue reading The Book of Life
Why Read This Book #10
REASON #10: It explains what happens when you die. I promised I would share ten reasons why I think you should read The Solomon Syndrome. Here is #10. We are all going to die. Some developmental psychologists suggest that if we live to a ripe old age, a day will come when we evaluate our… Continue reading Why Read This Book #10
Revelation Reminder
Happy Fat Tuesday. I’m not in New Orleans this year due to COVID. Of course I’ve never been in New Orleans for Fat Tuesday, but, I did want you to remember that this Wednesday night we are turning over our live stream to Highline Community Church for our Ash Wednesday service. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. I’m sure… Continue reading Revelation Reminder
Why Read This Book #9
REASON #9: It will show you the importance of finding a place to serve. People are important. All lives matter. Some people are in difficult situations that need help. That is where we come in. Part of finding a more meaningful life is to find a place to serve that matches our passions and gifts. Finding that place is critically… Continue reading Why Read This Book #9
Millennium Video Up
Wednesday night we took a deep dive into the subject of the Millennium from Revelation Ch. 20. The video of the session is now available online. I’ve been told it was one of the best sessions of our study. You can reach it directly at or via media at, or under Revelation Explained at
The Millennium
Wednesday night we will take a good long look at what biblical scholars refer to as the Millennium. It is one of the most hotly debated topics in the Book of Revelation. In Chapter Twenty, six times the phrase “a thousand years” occurs. If literal and chronological, then after Jesus returns, he will rule over the Earth for… Continue reading The Millennium