Tetelestai! Just one word. In John’s gospel it is the last word Jesus speaks from the cross. Most bibles translate it “It is finished!” It comes from the Greek word telos. It is a word that could also be translated “Paid in Full”. Above Jesus’ head a sign stating the charge against Jesus had been nailed by Pilate. In three languages it said “King of the Jews”. But in the book of Colossians, Paul tells us that from God’s perspective what was written on that sign was “the written charge against us.” A Greek synonym of the words “written charge” was a word meaning “certificate of debt”. In the world of Jesus, when you owed a debt, that debt was written up as a charge against you. It was like a version of our promissory note. When that debt was paid, one word was written across the document. The word tetelestai. The debt was paid in full. That sign above Jesus consisted of every sin in our life, past, present, and future. From God’s perspective, Jesus was crucified for all of our “certificate of debts”. When he cried out “Tetelestai” he was announcing to the universe that our debt was paid in full by the giving of his life and the shedding of his blood. That’s why Good Friday is so good. Below is a link to a message I gave on the Cross. Consider it a small Good Friday gift.