Why Read This Book #4

Here is a fourth reason why I think you might want to read this book:

REASON #4:  The book explains the system God has put in place to meet the deepest needs of your life.

You have a belief system.  You may not know it, but you do.  Part of that system involves what you think will meet your needs and make your life happy.  But God has a blueprint that he has designed to meet your deepest needs.  The main point of The Solomon Syndrome is to help you understand what that system is and how to develop each element of it.  That is a pretty good reason why you might want to read the book!

Again, thanks to all of you who have bought The Solomon Syndrome.  I appreciate it! I also want to remind you of the book release interview on January 25, at 10 am MT, at www.MorganJamesBookLaunch.com.
I will try to figure out how to copy the interview and post it on other platforms also.

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