Antichrist is on the way

I saw a beast coming up out of the sea…(Rev. 13:1). Is President Obama the Antichrist? It has been suggested. How about the Pope? There are those who are convinced he is. How about the 12th Imam? The identity of the “man of lawlessness” is always a hot topic among prophecy buffs. Who did the… Continue reading Antichrist is on the way

Open the door…repeatedly

Behold, I stand at the door and knock…(Rev. 3:20). I memorized today’s text before I had any clue where it came from or what the original intention of the passage was. I memorized it because it was shared with me as an image of how to become a Christian in the biblical sense of what… Continue reading Open the door…repeatedly

Strangers in a strange land

By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept, (Psalm 137:1).   On our recent trip to the Holy Land we visited the Archeological Museum in Istanbul. One of the artifacts contained in the museum is the artwork that adorned that ancient gates of Babylon (see picture). I hate to break the news to you,… Continue reading Strangers in a strange land

Preaching on Patmos

I… was on the island of Patmos…on the Lord’s Day, (Rev. 1:9). First, let me wish all you dads out there a happy Father’s Day. All I want for Father’s Day is my suitcase. It is somewhere between Denver and Istanbul. This is what happens when you try to replicate the above text! Last Sunday,… Continue reading Preaching on Patmos

Teaching in Pergamum

I know where you live…where Satan has his throne, (Revelation 2:13). I’ve been off the grid for a few weeks. I can tell you with great certainty that if you need to stay in touch with people via Internet, don’t sail the Aegean! I can also tell you with great certainty that if you ever… Continue reading Teaching in Pergamum

Re-imaging God

The Lord your God is in your midst, a Victorious Warrior, (Zephaniah 3:17). Stop for a moment and form an image of God in your mind. When you think about God, what comes to mind? That image will shape your spiritual experience, and to a great degree, your life. I have been pondering my own… Continue reading Re-imaging God

A Tip from the King

Praise the Lord (YHWH), O my soul; and all that is within me, praise his holy name, (Psalm 103:1). I needed this reminder today. The text goes on to encourage us to remember all the good things God does for us. In the words of the psalmist, “forget not all his benefits.” Due to the… Continue reading A Tip from the King

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